Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year!


As we embark on a new year, we are looking forward for fresh challenges and moments of joy in the practice and organisation of our beloved crossbow shooting. In this moment, thanks and gratitude go to every individual fostering this sport's existence—shooters, officials, and enthusiasts alike. Your dedication makes it possible.

Our shared goal remains clear: ensuring shooters find opportunities to practice and compete at every possible moment while propelling the organization's growth. Yet, to achieve this, we seek collaborative and innovative ideas. How can we enhance the experience, improve training, or innovate in competitions? Everybody’s input is also valuable here; only together we can shape the future of crossbow shooting.

While progress marks our journey, the need for competition organizers persists. Your involvement not only enriches events but also fuels the passion that drives our community. Up till now, we have fewer applications than expected at this time of year, lacking the critical mass for the World Cups and still having dates for European Championships and World Cup Finals open. We urge all officials with knowledge or possibilities to host these events to get in touch with the IAU Office or IAU EC to discuss these possibilities.

For the year ahead, may every shot fired bring fulfilment, every competition spark camaraderie and every goal achieved elevate our sport. Best wishes, good health and thumbs up for 2024!

Thumbs Up!