World Records also on Day 2 in Wil


The World Cup in Wil closed on its second day with the 4th issue of the 30m event. The calm and cold day with almost no wind enabled another top performances and record scores.

The world records in standing position set up the previous day by Sandra Reimann (GER) lasted exactly one day. With 292 in standing position and with a fantastic total score of 586 points these world records went to Joëlle Baumgartner (SUI). This was also the overall victory in the open class competition this day. Second place went to Thomas Debenne (FRA) with 577 and bronze took Ramona Bieri (SUI) with a score of 572 after a tie-break.

Joël Brüschweiler (SUI) set a new record in the kneeling position (M) with 294 points.

With the competitions in Wil the series of World Cups in the Match Division closed. 10m events and 30m events had 4 instances each so that nominations for the World Cup Final can be made.

Meet the 16 best match crossbow shooters in the men’s and women’s category between 6th and 8th October in Strasbourg!

The complete results are available here.


World Cup Wil starts with world records

Day 1 of the World Cup (Division Match) in Wil (SUI) started very promising. While the rest of Europe encounters heat waves and heavy rain, the morning at the 30m range was pleasant cool with almost no wind. Expectations were high and although some wind came up later, three world records were shot. Sandra Reimann (GER) raised the women’s record in the standing position to 289 and in the combination to 576, which brought her also an overall victory on this day. Silver in the 30m event went to Michael Gerber (SUI) with 571 and bronze to Thomas Debenne (FRA) with 568.

With a kneeling result of 289, Christof Arnold (SUI) set a new world record in the senior’s category.

The 10m event in the category of men was won by Romain Meignan (FRA) with 396 points. This is his second victory in this season and puts him on the top of the actual men’s ranking. Second place was taken by Christian Dreßel (GER) with 395 – marking with the result also a new world record in the senior’s category. Bronze went to Stefan Reichhuber (GER) with 394.

10m women competition brought gold to Lisa Roettelé (FRA) with 395, silver goes to Alexandra Geng (FRA) with 391. Jolanda Prinz (GER) with 390, after breaking ties with the 4th and 5th placed shooters, took bronze, which was also sufficient to secure her leader position in the ranking, given her previous victories in Munich and Innsbruck.

Check here for the preliminary results of both competition days.


Invitation to Wil - 30m and 10m Match Crossbow World Cup


The Swiss Crossbow Shooting Union - Eidgenössischer Armbrustschützenverband - is happy to invite elite shooters of the Match Division all over the world to the third World Cup of the 2023 saison.

The shooting programme consists of two 30m Open Class competitions and one 10m competition for the categories of men and women, starting with the arrival and training day on August 3rd and lasting till Saturday, August 5th.

This World Cup will round up the amount of possible starts in both 30m and 10m to four, allowing for a complete ranking for this year's World Cup Final. 

We are looking forward to meet you in Wil and hoping for another high quality competition, as we had already in Munich and Innsbruck. The information, invitation and registration documents can be downloaded from the events or calendar sections.


Match World Cup and Austrian Open closes in Innsbruck


Day 2 of the World Cup 10m in Match Division, along with Austrian Open, brought again high quality performance, mixing the favorites with shooters who followed suit later in time. The leads in the world ranking in both categories are emerging, but there is still room for surprises in the next two matches bringing valuable points.

The competition was closed with a nice victory ceremony and a banquet, soon turned a party. Despite the news preceding this event, that this might be our last time in Innsbruck, we ended up with good news, passed to us from the Shooting Union of Tyrol: there will be an Austrian Open and World Cup 2024, same time, same location!

Ah yes, the results: in the category of women, the gold went again to Jolanda Prinz (GER, 395), allowing her to take the lead in the entire World Cup, but the second placed Britta Wolf (GER, 394) is following her very closely. Bronze went also to Germany with Lisa Forstner (390).

In the men’s category, gold goes to France with Romain Meignan (392), silver to Switzerland with Joel Brüschweiler (390) and bronze to Germany – Marius Klöckers (389).

Check here for the complete results.

See you in August in Wil (SUI)!


Surprising Czech victory on Day 1 of World Cup in Innsbruck

The 10m Match Crossbow World Cup Series continues in Innsbruck along the Austrian Open event, hosting 116 athletes from seven participating countries. We are very pleased to see the numbers of shooters of all ages growing again!

Innsbruck is traditionally hosting the Austrian Open, which allows shooters with less probability to score in a World Cup, compete along the world’s best. Such opportunities shall be offered more often, to secure motivation and passing of know-how to a growing number of shooters and clubs.

Unlike the World Cup in Munich, where the favorites took the podium, victory of this day in the men’s category went to Jakub Novák (CZE), who scored an outstanding result of 395. The second and third places went to France, with Michael Dhalluin (392) and Romain Meignan (392) respectively.

In the category of women, Germany took the whole podium with Jolanda Prinz on the gold position (393), followed by Britta Wolf (393) and Sandra Reimann (390).

For a complete result list of Day 1, refer to Intermediate Results.

The competition continues the next day with the 3rd 10m Match Crossbow World Cup in a row.


World Cup Munich - Match Division - Day Two

On Day 2 of the World Cup event, the second competition featuring the 30m Match Crossbow was on the program. Another sunny day, but this time spiced up with the famous Munich wind. Appearing subtle, but still strong enough to force the athletes to shoot very carefully and using more time and attempts. In the end, the effect on the results was less dramatic than expected.

The winning ranks were taken by the same athletes as the day before, but in slightly different order. 

Gold was awarded to Thomas Debenne (FRA) – 571 (283,288), silver to Joëlle Baumgartner (SUI) – 568 (275,293), and bronze went to Ramona Bieri (SUI) – 564 (279,285).

The results of Day 2 can be seen here: 30m Open Class - Day 2

Also watch the actual world ranking.

The World Cup series continues next weekend in Innsbruck / AUT, this time with two more 10m competitions. Bis bald!